
Posts Tagged ‘Women and Dating’

This article is written from a man’s perspective. A Geek/Nerd man’s perspective. It’s about how to talk to girls. I could be entirely wrong, but using these rules I haven’t been slapped by a girl once, but even more startling is the fact that I’ve made friends with girls using them. Here we go:

5: There is a difference between admiring and ogling.

Really, there is. If you don’t know the difference between admiring a woman’s body without being a pervert, and being a pig, go take some Life Art courses. What is Life Art you ask? It’s “drawing from life”. And by that they mean the undressed human form. I know what you’re thinking, it’s an easy way to look at naked ladies, but let me tell you something, Mr. Playboy, you could just as easily be put in a position where you have to draw a naked man. But most of the time the models will be female. Having said that, it takes some discipline to get over the fact that you’re looking at a naked woman and draw a picture of what you see. Eventually you will get the hang of it, and grow to respect the female (and occasionally male) body without too much giggling. After you’ve completed your Life Art course, not only will you have acquired some 1337 drawing skills, but you’ll be more mature as a person, and less likely to stare at your date’s chest when you’re meant to be looking at her face. Also, it takes refinement to fully appreciate the fact that a woman has thoughts and feelings in a way that a picture of an Anime character doesn’t. And it is these thoughts and feelings that complete a woman, as she interacts with you she’s more than just eye candy, she’s a person. If you’ve done Life Art, you’ll probably never see a nude figure in the same way again, most likely for the better. This is what I mean by admiring a woman in “the Spirit of Art”.

4: Girls/Women may seem a distant, impossible goal of companionship, but they aren’t all out to get you.

I’ve had some really bad experiences at dating in my life, I’ve been stood up, found out the girl I liked who enjoyed the same Anime as I did was a lesbian, and of course, been forgotten about and never had my phone calls returned by a girl.

This is no excuse to sulk and hate all women for what a few who “done you wrong”. Have you ever considered the fact that sometimes a girl may not be interested in you romantically, but like you as a friend? I know what you’re thinking, “being stuck in friend status sucks!”. But it could be far worse, and having a friendly relationship with a girl will better prepare you for romantic ones later on.

3: Nice Guys do not finish last.

It just seems that way when you’re younger. Being nice will pay off in the long run, and a good reputation as a nice guy among the female community will benefit you.

2: Stand Up for Girls

There are some men you may know who make less than tolerant comments towards women, even in their presence. But if you stand up for a girl who’s being hassled by a few of your mates who are calling her a bitch (this happens a lot in Australia, I’m not sure if it happens as much in America or the U.K. or Japan), there’s no shame in standing up for what’s right and correcting their behaviour. You might feel that you don’t have the courage to stand up to sexism, but hey, it worked for Train Man when he stood up for that drunk guy. And if you do stand up to inappropriate behaviour towards women, they’ll appreciate having you around, taking a shine to you faster than you can say “Sensitive New Age Guy” or “New Wave Feminism”.

1: Girls won’t usually talk to you if you don’t talk to them.

You’re sitting in your room reading blogs, and it’s late at night. You’re cursing the day you ever found out what Hentai meant, and you’re lonely as hell. What DO YOU DO?

It doesn’t have to be like this. Girls I previously thought had no interest in me socially opened up on a scale I’ve never seen because I talked to them and listened to their musings on their daily lives. It’s really as simple as talking to them. WoW players note: Night Elf princesses can’t love you back, but if you just talk to somebody once in a while you won’t need to dream up romances that never were anymore. Just talk to them. Even if you think you don’t have anything to say, something is better than nothing in conversation. How many times have you created hours of conversation out of nothing, or minimal ingredients? You might even learn something.

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